Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 2

I thought these loading days would be fun.
Doesn't it sound fun to eat as much as you can?
It isn't. I ate like I would normally would food wise, just more of what my normal portion might be. And I only gained .5 pounds.
Supposed to gain 2-3 over 2 days. So today, I have eaten more than I generally would and I'm still going! But I have actually been hungry unlike yesterday- I wasn't that hungry.

So this morning we weighed in 237 and 225.7

Tomorrow starts the hard part.
We went and got some basic things for the next few days, and I have decided to go buy stuff in bulk. (Because a serving of strawberries is 10, which is basically a whole pack)
So for the next two days chicken will be our best friend. Yay!
Then when I go out to Sams club we will have some fish, maybe some red meat but not much.

That's all I have for today!

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