Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Art of Wasting

I must learn the art of wasting.
That or learn to take smaller portions.
I have a bad habit of taking what I think I will eat, and then it ends up being too much. I get full, but I force myself to at the very least eat what is on my plate. Why?
I don't want to waste the money it costs, nor the food I think some starving child in Africa could be eating. I feel bad if I don't finish it, so I stuff myself to the point where I could explode.
Or you know that stuff I bought for the baby, and she didn't eat? That stuff I bought in bulk. It can't go to waste, it must be eaten.

I watch those shows where they toss everything bad for you. And I just think, why? Why would you do that? Eat it then start your diet!
I guess in these cases, I should learn the wonderful thing of charity and donating. Because at the end of the day, if I want the body I've dreamed about, is forcing myself to eat so something doesn't go to waste worth it? No. It isn't.
This is a habit I am going to have to break, because by over-stuffing myself I am just adding more calories to my body that it doesn't need.

I think that by counting my calories and tracking every single thing I put in my mouth, it is going to help because I will learn more about what my body actually needs. And if I remind myself that by over-eating, I am also going over my calories, hopefully I can push the extra away.
Right now, I don't care, because I don't track.

But something has got to give.
This was something I thought about, as I looked over my kitchen and realized there is a lot we won't be able to eat, and a lot we don't need to eat. Once this diet starts, someone better come get this crap out of my house.

Out of sight, Out of mind.

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